In Celestial Church of Christ, aside Divine Order that we religiously obey, there is another supervisory committee that is saddled with the responsibility of running the affairs of the church, it’s known as Parochial Committee instituted in each parish under the body of CCC. The Committee is head by a Chairman.

Information beow is extracted from the CCC Constutution

  1. The Parochial Committee constitutes the local government of the
    Parish Church and is empowered to deliberate for the progress of the Parish
    Church. It comes under the General Committee. This in turn is subordinate
    to the Supreme Committee with Headquarters in Porto Novo, Republic of
  2. The Parochial Committee of each Parish shall have the power to apply
    disciplinary measures in minor cases affecting its Parish Church. Parochial
    Committees shall have no power to suspend or expel and must not, under
    any circumstances whatever suspend or expel any of its members from the
    Church. Parochial Committees may, in circumstances requiring such stem
    disciplinary action, make recommendation to the General Committee whose
    function it is to investigate, arbitrate, conciliate and take appropriate
  3. Notwithstanding the provisions in Clause 122 above, the Pastor may, on
    his own or, in consultation with the Board of Trustees, take such action as
    he considers appropriate.
  4. The full provisions of this Constitution in relation to DISCIPLINE are
    dealt with in Clauses 169 and 170 below.
  5. Every Parish Church must have a Parochial Committee drawn from
    within its members and which will be responsible for the day-to-day affairs
    of the Parish. The composition of the Parochial Committee shall be thirty-three made up as follows:
    (i) Chairman and two deputies
    (ii) Honorary Secretary and two deputies
    (iii) Honorary Treasurer and two deputies
    (iv) Six ex-officio male spiritual elders
    (v) Six ex-officio female spiritual elders
    (vi) Six other male co-opted members
    (vii) Six other female co-opted members
    However, the Pastor, at his sole discretion, may approve a smaller number
    and composition of the Committee.
  6. Where the Pastor is of the opinion that a Parochial Committee is not
    functioning for the best interests of the Church, he shall dissolve such
    Committee and order a re-election.