A Welcome Message…

Dear Friends,

We want to thank you for your interest in CCC Palace of Liberty Parish.  Our goal is to clearly communicate a message of the hope that we have in Jesus Christ. This hope is not found in religion or anything that we can see, but only in a personal relationship with Jesus. Our mission here is to see you  ‘GROW IN CHRIST ‘so you can receive SALVATION.    

At CCC PLP Family, we believe that Acts 1:8 compels us to practice this process on three geographical levels: Locally, Regionally and Globally.

If you are able to visit the CCC Palace of Liberty Parish, we invite you to attend one of our prayers and deliverance sessions, beginning at 9:00 or 12:noon each Tuesday. Being involved in a small group study provides an opportunity to ask the questions you have always wanted to ask; to be encouraged by others who face the same challenges that you might be facing, and to be part of a core group committed to helping you through life’s struggles. 

For more information about our church, please explore this website or submit a contact request.  You may also contact our offices directly at (+4407897975844).   Once again, thank you for your interest in CCC PLP Family Church – we look forward to worshipping with you soon! 

Because of Him,

Asst. Ven. Superior Evangelist Akinyemi

Year 2015 – 50th Birthday