1. They are expected to be of good morals and promoters of truth, fairness, equity & justice. They are expected to be shining examples to the flock.

2. Any act of disloyalty to the leadership of the church shall be met with necessary disciplinary action.

3. Any act of immoral offence such as adultery, fornication, rape, fraud, murder in any manner and disobedience to constituted authority shall lead to necessary disciplinary measure.

4. Improper dressing of anyone, abandoning of duty post without the consent of the church leadership shall lead to necessary disciplinary action.

5. Quarterly report of Church/Parish/activities must be reported/ submitted to the church through appropriate channels of communication.

Please note that any breach of the above stated guideline shall be referred to the constituted authority of the church for necessary disciplinary action which may include suspension, expulsion, withdrawal from duty post and in criminal cases, the country’s law may be allowed to take its course.